Travelogue Day 31: ICAHD Rebuilding Camp Begins

the group arrives in Anata

women's tent at Beit Arabiya

promotional hats...

Travelogue Day 30: Walking Around Ramallah

Travelogue Day 29: Ramallah

1 night in Ramallah...

Travelogue Day 28: Jenin

walking through Jenin

at the Jenin Freedom Theaterje

Travelogue Day 27: Getting Ready

Preparations for ICAHD Summer Rebuilding Camp underway.

Travelogue Day 26: Abu Gosh

Chilling out in the beautiful hills of Abu Gosh

Travelogue Day 25: The Great Synagogue Ades

Apparently, my mom's family has a synagogue in Jerusalem... !

Travelogue Day 24: Rubble

Back to Anata to shoot more video...

Travelogue Day 23: Bethlehem + Hebron

Church of the Nativity


Welcome to Hebron

Travelogue Day 22: Smile

Yaffo Street, Jerusalem

Travelogue Day 21: Anata

Learning about house demolitions in Anata...

Travelogue Day 20: East Jerusalem

ICAHD tour of East Jerusalem.

Travelogue Day 19: One of These Things is Not Like the Others

Passers-by on Yafo street...

Travelogue Day 18: Old City

A hot afternoon getting lost in the Old City.

Travelogue Day 17: Nighttime in Jerusalem

First night in Jerusalem, went for a stroll through old city.

Travelogue Day 16: Red Sea

Red Sea
Went snorkeling & saw some fishes in the Red Sea...

Travelogue Day 15: Mercedes Band

Israeli rock concert in Eilat. Hot.

Travelogue Day 14: Kibbutz Keturah

Red Algae Factory & Date Trees

Resident Camel


and Horses
the Kibbutz experience...

Travelogue Day 13: The Road, My Home

Hitchin' a Ride
back on the road, on the way to Kibbutz Keturah from Mitzpe

Travelogue Day 12: Sunrise Hike in Mitzpe Ramon

Taking the Long Route
Only Tree on the 6 Hour Trail
From the Top

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